Sunday, January 22, 2012

2 Months and Growing

Wow time is flying!!! Today you are 2 months old and everyday is just so much fun with you! You are now 12 pounds 11 ounces and 24 1/2 inches long. Your biggest accomplishment this month is that you are sleeping in your crib with 6 hour stretches at night. I'm not sure if that is more of an accomplishment for you or for Mommy. :) It is so fun to watch you grow. You are babbling so much now. Certainly you are a morning person as you love to talk and kick and play in the mornings. You still love your activity mat and you are now able to bat at teh little animals hanging on it to make them move. You have learned how to flip from your tummy to your back and you are noticing more of your surroundings. Every day Daddy and I think it just couldn't get any better, and you prove us wrong daily. You bring us so much joy and we love you very much!

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