Sunday, April 22, 2012

5 Months Old!

Grayson turned 5 months old today. We celebrated by taking him to Grapevine to see Thomas the Tank Engine for a train ride. It's hard to believe that it's been 5 months, but I also wonder what we ever did without this little man.
Grayson is:
*tripod sitting, but only for a short amount of time before falling over
*eating cereal- His favorite is rice cereal. He likes barley too, but not oatmeal.
*sleeping without being swaddled
*sleeping through the night........from time to time :) I have to admit, I secretly enjoy the night feedings.
*playing in his activity jumper- He will push the buttons to make the music play and loves spinning the dog and cat toy

*noticing Zoey and Ruger- He likes petting Ruger, Zoey stills has no interest in the little man. Grayson will giggle at them when they are playing and chasing each other now.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I can not believe how quickly time is flying! Such a handsome young guy!
